Friday, September 12, 2014

5 for Friday

Linking up with Five for Friday


Swimming with AquAbility.  We are SO lucky to be able have this group come to swim with our students.  They work with our students and their various needs. Some students are learning swimming skills and others are getting mobility therapy.  It is amazing!  I have witnessed SO MUCH improvement in my students in just a few short weeks.  It also has been a wonderful lesson in 
risk- taking.


We have spent A LOT of time working on our behavior.  Back to School means practice, practice, practice!  We have been reviewing and practicing our positive behavior.  We used these poster cards to discuss appropriate and NOT appropriate things to say to our friends.  We are working hard on a daily basis to replace NOT NICE things in our vocabulary with NICE things to say.  Coming soon to my TPT store.

behavior management, classroom management,behavior management, classroom management,

behavior management, classroom management,


This thing has saved my life this year! I am so in love with it, I can't even express my joy!  LOL  I had seen several of these floating around on FB and Pinterest, so I thought I'd try it out and I made one for myself.  AND FRIENDS the MOST AMAZING things have happened!  
I CAN FIND THINGS!!!   I know where my keys are!  I no longer have to search for the "ever escaping" post-it note makes it easy to clean up AND easy to find things.  Now,  I know some of you were born with an organized mind and you are thinking I'm crazy, but I WAS NOT born with the organization gene.  I am FOREVER misplacing and searching for things.   I feel like this is just the beginning and MAYBE one day, I too could be organized!  


This was my first experiment with printing in poster size! It was a HUGE success! I think these came out SO CUTE!   I had used the printing feature to make things smaller before, but never bigger.... GO Me, becoming a tech genius, one print job at a time!


I colleague and  I have taken on  a HUGE project this year.   We have decided to start a ski-club for our elementary students. Our school is just one hour from the world famous Sun Valley Ski Resort.  Also, since all of our students are deaf or blind  (some have other challenges as well). they are eligible for free lessons from the people at Higher Ground.  Unfortunately, most of our students have been unable to take advantage of this opportunity.  
My friend Jodie and I are very passionate about snowboarding and want to provide this opportunity for our students.  We are planning two weekend trips for our  students. This requires, transportation, food, lodging, equipment rental, and of course money.  
In order to make this dream come true, we have started a Go Fund Me account.  Please watch our video (because its AWESOME).  We would love if you could share this with anyone you think would be interested in donating. 

We were able to take two of our students up last year for a weekend trip.  Here they are!   I am so excited to open up this opportunity to more students!!!

That's it for this week!

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