Organization: I really like my classroom to be tidy. I encourage my students to pick up after themselves and put things away in their proper location...... and then there is my teacher desk. It is often a cluttery mess of papers, projects, planning materials, etc. I have not been a very good example of tidiness. Sigh, I WILL keep my area clean this year!
Planning: At the beginning of the year, am really good at having every minute of the day planned. (as is necessary so I don't lose my mind). However, as things get more routine, I tend to get lazy about writing down what we are doing. I would like to be more diligent in doing this so we can stay on track to meet both IEP and Common Core Standards. Also, this will help me have documentation, that I can use for self-reflection.
Professional: I have been selected to be part of a school team in implementing Positive Behavior Supports at our school. My job is that of a coach, which involves both, planning a whole school positive behavior system and, meeting with individual teachers to support them in setting up classroom management procedures. I am excited about this position but need to plan accordingly so that I have time allotted in my schedule meet with other teachers and provide supports as needed.
Students: My students are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. While they are, in some parts, just regular kindergarteners and first graders, they often have greater emotional and academic needs. I want my students to feel that my classroom is a safe place. I want them to be able to communicate freely and be understood by everyone in the room. (A luxury many of them don't have in all places of their lives). I want my classroom to be a place where they are able to thrive and grow to their greatest potential.
Motto: The music is all around us. All we have to do is listen.
This quote is from the movie August Rush. This is one of my favorite movies, not only do I LOVE music, singing, playing, listening, dancing, but I feel this quote applies in all areas of our lives. Just stop thinking sometimes and .......LISTEN.......
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